Welcome to March, here are some updates.
Server Cost Increases
Just recently, I received an email stating that the server cost will increase by 20% because of inflation, but it’s more of we just Akamai wants to make more money. With that, we calculated that our monthly costs will be $37 a month. Here is the new breakdown:
Server Cost (4 GB Shared) – $25.44
Backup Service: $5.20
Object Storage: $5.20
Domain Name (paid yearly) $1.17 ($13.99 a year)
Total cost: $37.01 per month.
Note that I allocate part of my personal budget to cover the costs since it’s a public service to the Aniblogosphere and for Japanese media creators. Of course, if you find out Mastodon, forums and Pixelfeed services useful, you can donate monthly to help us offset our costs on Ko-fi or Patreon. You can do a one time donation via Paypal. All proceeds goes towards offsetting the hosting costs and it’s worth it, especially it’s not going to some billionaire. Note that donating is optional and services will still be available for all users for free.
However, if we grow to the point where it makes sense for me to build a server and colocate it, I will let everyone know. However, I have no plans to move from the current hosting provider since it’s a pain to set everything up again just to save a few bucks a month.
As we approach 100 total users (we are at 83 members right now), it’s time to start taking moderator applications. You can request to be a moderator by sending a direct message. Anyone from our instance or outside can become one as long they are over the age of 18, their account is 1 month old with at least 10 followers, and have a blog, podcast, YouTube page, or artist portfolio page. There will be 1 moderator for every 20 members, so there is 4 open positions right now.
Note that if you are applying from outside, you will need to migrate your account to our instance. Moderator duties is to respond to outstanding reports based on our rules, approve trending posts and links, and moderate users. Note that becoming a moderator is a privileged position and abusing it will lead to these privileges getting taken away. Users that have strikes on their account that involves their account being temporarily banned in the past cannot apply.
If you want to become one, send a direct message to chikorita157@sakurajima.moe.
Halcyon Retirement (Easy Mode)
Halcyon is being retired at the end of March since it hasn’t been updated for two years. Elk will be the replacement and the present address will redirect to it after March 31st.
If you are on Twitter or on a large instance on Mastodon, consider moving your account here, especially if you are a content creator. You can interact and follow with other creators and fans of Anime in a non-toxic environment as we have better moderation and block instances that are far right, have hate speech, troll farms, or contain lolicon/shotacon. You can learn more on how to move your account to Sakurajima in this post. You can register a new account by visiting our instance at sakurajima.moe.
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